How to Read in Each Line of a Json File Javascript

August 29, 2021

How to Read and Write JSON with NodeJS

How to Read and Write JSON with NodeJS

In this tutorial nosotros will go over how read and write a JSON file with NodeJS. Information technology should come at no surprise that Node makes working with JSON extremely like shooting fish in a barrel, and with the built in fs module, reading and writing to the file system is equally easy.

This tutorial is written in two parts, the first volition embrace reading from a JSON file, the 2nd part will cover writing to a JSON file.

Reading a file TLDR: To read a file you lot can either employ readFile which will read a file asynchronously, and you need to laissez passer a file path, options and a callback, or you can utilise readFileSync, which will read the file synchronously, and you just pass in a file path and options, this function will render the files data.
Writing a file TLDR: To write to a file you can either apply writeFile which will write a file asynchronously, and y'all need to laissez passer in a file path, the data you want to write, your options and a callback to handle errors. Or, you tin can use writeFileSync, which will write the file synchronously, and yous need to pass a file path, the data you want to write and your options.


  • Reading a file with readFile
  • Reading a file with readFileSync
  • Writing a file with writeFile
  • Writing a file with writeFileSync

Earlier we get started, this is the data that I am working with, and I have this in a file chosen testJsonFile.json which is in my root directory:

                { 	"frameworks": [ 		"express", 		"feathers js", 		"meteor", 		"koa" 	] }                              

At present that we have the information setup, let's look at the start two lines of my index.js file:

                const fs = crave('fs') allow parsedJsonData                              

On the first line, we crave the fs module. We volition need this to read and write to the file organization and we will use this throughout the tutorial.

On the adjacent line we setup a variable that we will utilize afterward to shop the JSON data that has been read from the file system, nosotros volition then add an additional JavaScript framework to that data and and so write it back to the file organization.

Reading a JSON file

The fs module provides a couple of popular ways to read a file, namely these are, readFile and readFileSync. We will utilize both of these functions, depending on your situation, reading a file synchronously might non exist an consequence at all, it also makes it a bit easier in my opinion as we don't need to deal with callbacks.

Reading a file with readFile

I am going to start with the code, and and then I will explain information technology afterwards:

                // 1 fs.readFile('./testJsonFile.json', 'utf8', (fault, data) => { 	// 2 	if (error) { 		console.log(`ERROR: ${error}`) 		return 	}  	// 3 	const jsonData = JSON.parse(data) 	 	// iv 	parsedJsonData = jsonData 	 	// five 	// Check the keys that jsonData has 	console.log(Object.keys(jsonData))  	// half dozen 	jsonData.frameworks.forEach(framework => { 		console.log(`Framework: ${framework}`) 	}) })                              

Ok, permit's run through what is happening in the above code snippet:

  1. This is the call to the readFile role. It takes a few arguments, the first being the path to the file you want to read, the second being the options yous want to pass in, we are passing in utf-viii for the encoding, and then the last argument is a callback.
  2. The first function of the callback, we are just making sure that an fault does not exist, if it does, we will write the error to the console, and return. Using a return here is a personal preference. If I can stay away from using else then I by and large will, but, yous could apply an if else instead and take the rest of the code be in the else block.
  3. Here we parse the data which is the 2d argument for the callback, and we assign the parsed data to the jsonData abiding.
  4. Nosotros can now assign the parsed JSON data to the global variable that we created at the start of the tutorial, we will use this later when writing to the file system.
  5. This isn't an important line, only we are just press out all the keys of the jsonData object. For the sake of this tutorial, this makes information technology easier to see the keys that the exam data has.
  6. Lastly, we loop through the frameworks and print information technology to the console.

And that is it! That is how elementary information technology is to read a json file asynchronously using Node.

Reading a file with readFileSync

In one case again, let's start with the code:

                // 1 endeavor { 	// 2 	const data = fs.readFileSync('./testJsonFile.json', 'utf8')  	// 3 	const jsonData = JSON.parse(data) 	 	// iv 	parsedJsonData = jsonData  	// 5 	// Check the keys that jsonData has 	console.log(Object.keys(jsonData)) 	 	// 6 	jsonData.frameworks.forEach(framework => { 		panel.log(`Framework: ${framework}`) 	}) } catch (fault) { // 7 	console.log(`ERROR: ${fault}`) }                              

Most of the steps are quite like to the asynchronous example, the large deviation is the effort grab.

  1. We need use a try take hold of considering readFileSync tin can throw an mistake. In the asynchronous instance, this error would be passed as an statement to the callback, simply the synchronous version does non use a callback, then the role itself will throw an error and we need to handle that.
  2. We use the readFileSync function to read the file. The first argument is the file path and the second argument is for options. Again, for the second argument, we pass through the encoding that nosotros want to use. The readFileSync function returns the information immediately. which is why we assign it to a abiding.
  3. At present, we can parse the data as we have earlier past using JSON.parse.
  4. We assign the parsed information to our parsedJsonData global variable and so that nosotros tin can apply the data afterward on.
  5. Print out the keys of the JSON object, which helps for debugging, and just makes things a bit clearer in a tutorial.
  6. Nosotros loop through all the values for the frameworks key, and print those values to the console.
  7. As mentioned before, we need a try catch because of the mode readFileSync works, and this is where we catch the error and print it to the panel.

As I have mentioned earlier, this is my preferred way to read files because it is and then straight forwards, simply, making use of the readFileSync role heavily depends on what your use case is.

Writing a JSON file

In the previous section we spoke about reading a file using the fs module. Writing to the file arrangement also uses the fs module, and it too has two functions that we volition utilise. Namely, writeFile and writeFileSync. This works in a similar way to the read functions.

Writing a file with writeFile

Let'due south get-go with the code:

                // 1 parsedJsonData.frameworks.push('nest js')  // two const asyncFrameworksData = JSON.stringify(parsedJsonData)  // iii fs.writeFile('./testJsonFile.json', asyncFrameworksData, 'utf-8', (error) => { 	// 4 	if (fault) { 		panel.log(`WRITE ERROR: ${error}`) 	} else { 		// 5 		console.log('FILE WRITTEN TO') 	} })              
  1. Nosotros are now going to brand utilise of the parsedJsonData that nosotros created at the offset of the tutorial. Since parsedJsonData already contains a JSON object, we can push an boosted element, next js, onto the frameworks holding.
  2. Before nosotros write to the file, we demand to stringify the JSON object.
  3. Now that we have updated and stringified parsedJsonData, we can write asyncFrameworksData to our file. To write to a file we use the writeFile part from the fs module. The first argument is the file path, the second argument is the information we want to write, in our case asyncFrameworksData, the third argument is for options, once again we are going to apply it to set our encoding to utf-8. Lastly, we need to pass in a callback. This callback simply takes one statement, and that is for an fault.
  4. We check if an error exists, if it does we will print it in the console.
  5. If there is no error, we print to the console that the file has been written to.

That is all that is needed to write to a file asynchronously, merely as easy, if not easier than reading a file.

Writing a file with writeFileSync

Starting with the code one again:

                // 1 parsedJsonData.frameworks.push('nest js')  // two try { 	// 3 	const frameworksData = JSON.stringify(parsedJsonData)  	// iv 	fs.writeFileSync('./testJsonFile.json', frameworksData, 'utf-8') } catch (error) { // 5 	panel.log(`WRITE Mistake: ${error}`) }                              
  1. If you have read the writeFile department, we are doing the same affair, nosotros only add a new element to the frameworks array in the parsedJsonData object.
  2. Because at that place is no callback provided to the writeFileSync part, information technology will throw an mistake if there is an issue, so we need to wrap it in a try catch cake.
  3. Same as the previous section. Before we write the data, we need to stringify it.
  4. Nosotros write the data to the specified file path. Similarly to writeFile, writeFileSync takes the file path as the starting time argument, the data we want to write, frameworksData, as the second argument and lastly information technology takes an options argument, which we use to pass the encoding that we want, which is utf-8.
  5. This follows on from point 2, in the catch part of the try catch we grab any errors and then nosotros will print those to our console.

The original data in the testJsonFile.json looked like this:

                { 	"frameworks": [ 		"express", 		"feathers js", 		"meteor", 		"koa" 	] }              

After we write to it, it should expect like this:

                { 	"frameworks": [ 		"express", 		"feathers js", 		"falling star", 		"koa", 		"nest js" 	] }              


This tutorial was quite long, but the code itself is quite easy. Reading from a file and writing to a file synchronously is easier than asynchronously, simple because yous do need the callback, and everything works as expected.

If you need to read the file asynchronously and so write to it afterwards, remember that you need to handle the writing from inside callback, otherwise you could read a file, and while you are reading the file, the write could have already happened.

You lot tin find all the source code here.


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